How To Fix A Remote Control That Got Wet?

Having your TV remote fall into the water can be very frustrating. Our remote controls should be handled with care, but accidents do occur sometimes.

Water, coffee, tea, or other liquids may get on the remote control while you’re watching your favorite movie on your TV, Roku, or Firestick. The following tips will provide some guidance on how to fix a wet remote control.

What happens when the remote control gets water?

There is no doubt that it will get damaged. In some cases,

  • There may be problems with the buttons/keys
  • Damage to the circuit board
  • There is a possibility that the IR sensor will not work
  • It is likely that the button mat will become wet

It can cause a short circuit if you press any key if the remote control is completely wet. It should only be used after the troubleshooting tips have been followed.

How To Fix A Wet Remote?

You can use the same troubleshooting tips regardless of whether you have a TV remote control, a Roku, or a Firestick. As soon as the device is dropped into water, it must be addressed immediately.

As the cover is tightly closed, there is less likelihood of water seeping into the body when you pick up the remote immediately after dropping it in water. The small gaps between the buttons still present a risk of water entry.

How To Fix A Wet Remote

You can restore the functioning of your remote by following the troubleshooting steps provided if you notice that it has been exposed to considerable water.

Wipe first

Immediately wipe off all the water from the remote and scatter it around. It is essential that you take this remedy first. The amount of water you get will determine how much you get. It is important to do this first when your remote falls into a large amount of water. Don’t press any buttons, as they may short circuit and cause complete damage.

Then Dry It

Only dry the outer surface of the remote control if you are sure water will not enter the interior. If your TV or another device doesn’t work, make sure that all the buttons work before proceeding. Put it under a fan or under the sun until it becomes wet.

To quickly dry the water content, use a hair dryer.

Wet out the inner parts

To separate the circuit board, batteries, button mat, etc under the sun or under a fan, you must open the panel and make sure that the water has passed inside the remote.

It is possible to open the tightly closed body with a small triangle plastic pry. The body can be removed by pulling the thin edge of the pry.

You can open the body safely with this triangle plastic pry. You can also use your nails if you don’t have it.

Place the circuit board under the fan with the buttons, batteries, and circuit board separated.

Use a hair dryer to dry them fast

Make sure you blow dry all parts of your hair efficiently if you have one. This is due to the fact that the hair dryer has a force that can be used to wet out the water.

An IR sensor LED is mounted on the circuit board.  Make sure it doesn’t get removed from the board. The IR sensor needs to be soldered again if you do this, but you will need a soldering tool.

Circuit boards and keypads should be kept under filament lamps

A button mat and a board can be dried quickly by using this method. You can turn on a filament lamp by keeping them under it. Keep them away from the heat for as long as possible. It will be damaged by it. Take the filament lamp out of the filament if you are sure all the water has been drained out.

Rub the board with an eraser to remove any stains

There is a high chance of stains on the circuit board when the remote is wet after drinking tea, coffee, or juice.

Stains can be removed quickly with a quick clean method.

Rub each and every part of the circuit board gently with a pencil eraser. Small particles will be removed from the stains. Once the stains are removed completely, use a hair dryer or fan to dry the board once more.

Rub the board with an eraser to remove any stains


The next step is to reassemble.

The first thing you need to do is assemble the upper panel. Once the button membrane is in place, place the circuit board above it. Once the down panel has been placed, pull all the locks tightly, and then close the door.

The batteries should be inserted then, and your device should be tested.

What should you do if your remote control gets wet?

Keep your remote away from water, coffee, etc., if you want it to last a very long time. When you’re drinking water or tea, don’t use it. Make sure they are placed in a safe place.

Put a plastic cover or case on it

For protection from getting wet or falling down, there are many plastic cases available. Using a cover will protect you. Despite the small gaps between the top and bottom panels, the cover tightly attaches to the remote and prevents water from entering.

Plastic wrap the cover in polythene

In addition to providing complete water protection, it is also lightweight. As remote working uses IR waves, you must cover everything completely with polythene plastic to make it work. You won’t have to worry about the remote getting wet and being damaged when you do so. Personally, I use this method.

Remote control from a third party is recommended

It is likely that your remote became dead if you were unable to fix the problem by following the tips given. Circuit boards will be the main problem. The best option is to buy a universal remote from a third party. In the meantime, you can control your TV or other devices with a remote control application. The Android and iOS platforms both have a wide variety of apps. The app can be downloaded from the app stores on your smartphone.

It is not a problem if you purchase the original remote before buying the new one. While universal remotes are capable of working with a wide range of devices, it is important to check their compatibility before you buy one.

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